For driven entrepreneurs and dedicated leaders feeling overwhelmed by stress, pressure, constant worry, and the relentless grind of work!


The 5 most powerful TOOLS
to overcome stress & overwhelm



Are you ready to ACHIEVE MORE with less stress?

Imagine you're feeling relaxed and at ease, πŸ˜‡ no matter how stressful the circumstances in your business or life.



β˜‘οΈ Feeling more ease, confidence and inner calm than ever
β˜‘οΈ Resolving strong and stressful emotions without hurting others
β˜‘οΈ Releasing the grind and only working 4-6 hours per day
β˜‘οΈ Not having to do things in business anymore you dislike
β˜‘οΈ Being deeply satisfied with your work
β˜‘οΈ Making more money - i.e. adding another 100k a  year - while working (and stressing) less


Your advantage to dealing with ANY challenge that life throws at you and staying calm and centred. 

Learn exactly how to release stress, mental pressure, constant worry for good. AND get clear action steps on how to let go of the relentless and stressful grind of work!

Inside this toolkit are the five most powerful and important tools to release stress and overwhelm - on a mental, emotional AND physical level.  (Because most people only address the superficial level via scheduling and time management practices.) 

βœ… Get the five tools that will shift your life from stress to ease in a matter of days
❌ Stop wasting countless hours on tools and techniques that don't work because they only address the superficial level of your stress instead of the  root cause 
🀫 Get the process I use with my clients that bring them deep ease and inner peace, reducing their work by up to 40% 
πŸ™Œ Use my technique of releasing strong emotions so that they will never again cause you overwhelm and frustration



I was once exactly where you are today... tired of fighting against all the stress in my life, internal as well as external.. I wanted a way to feel relaxed, fulfilled and happy, all while making more money - yet working less - and leaving the endless hustle behind.

But the problem was... The stress-release tools on the market didn't solve the root issues. The STRESS ALWAYS CAME BACK. 😟

Plus inner work and therapy usually took years. 

So I created a brand new strategy of dealing with stress and negative emotions that had everyone shocked... it started helping everyone who used it overcome decades of stress and mental overwhelm in a matter of WEEKS.

✨ Simple to use
❌ Doesn't waste your time on countless hours of inner work or years of therapy
βœ… Get easy to apply tools to shift your state into one of ease, abundance and growth forever
πŸ™Œ Learn how to deal with emotional stress triggers and uplevel all your relationships because you can stay calm and in your power


You don't have to fight your stress anymore


Stress is a reactional pattern created early on in your life. People think they are stressed due to specific circumstances, however it has everything to do with your capacity to self-regulate healthily (which you learned or didn't learn as a child). I show you a powerful technique to let go of past trauma imprints (HINT: everyone has them, even something as seemingly trivial as your parents holding off love and appreciation from you can cause it) and end the stress cycle for good!

RELEASE TRAUMA that keeps you in a stress cycle

Stress is often accompanied by strong emotions like fear, worry, frustration, anger and depression. Learn how to release them safely to get back into your emotional driver's seat instead of being controlled by your emotions. Get to know a powerful tool that will help you to instantly relieve the negative charge of your emotions.

learn how to deal with heavy emotions

Most people have no clue how to really shift their limiting beliefs. In this toolkit I teach you a few simple yet powerful ways to shift your limiting beliefs on a SUBCONSCIOUS level. It starts working in a matter of hours and will change how you view the workings of your mind forever.
This is an absolute supercharger for your life and a *secret* only few know about!

Let Go of limiting beliefS

Find the root cause of the stress you're experiencing. Learn a powerful technique to solve it with as much ease as possible. Stop fixing the superficial layers via time scheduling tools, meditation and breathing exercises. (They're a nice to have, however do NOT fix the REAL ISSUE and therefore are not a sustainable solution.)

release stress at its root

I teach you HOW to shift your state of awareness from overwhelm, lack and anxiety to ease, wealth and confidence. This is the basis of creating anything you desire in your physical reality.

shift your awareness state


β˜‘οΈ K. shifted from feelings of survival and stress to thriving in his biz & life
β˜‘οΈ M. and L. received unexpected money in the hundreds of thousands after the stress-release work
β˜‘οΈ K. feels more ease, confidence and inner calm than ever
β˜‘οΈ B. rekindled his relationship with calm and confidence
β˜‘οΈ T. let go of unaligned work strategies and cut their work time by up to 40%
β˜‘οΈ A. is deeply satisfied with her work and business, plus feels reconnected with her purpose

EVERY business owner should be taking care of their stress level and emotional regulation. They bring life changing results to your business AND to your private life when done right.

Check out some simple stress-release results... The clients achieved this THROUGH releasing their stress and overwhelm. 


❌ You don't have to spend countless hours of inner work or therapy to see results 
⚑️ You can create drastic positive changes in your life with only 5 minutes a day of stress-release tools
πŸ”₯ Direct tips from a mindset coach on the topics of relaxing your mind, releasing stress and positive habits
πŸ‘ Making it super simple  


β˜‘οΈ Learn how to differentiate aligned and misaligned action

β˜‘οΈ Master an easy to apply technique to ALWAYS find the right action steps that bring you fun, ease and joy! 

β˜‘οΈ With this action approach you can leave hustle & stress behind FOREVER and only do what feels good and enjoyable 😎 



β˜‘οΈ Learn to find the root causes of your stress, overwhelm and anxious thoughts

β˜‘οΈ Get an effective process to solve your stressful patterns at the ROOT level, instead of fixing the superficial layers. (It's not sustainable.)

β˜‘οΈ Learn tools that help you heal your past and freeing tremendous amounts of energy for your day-to-day life!

Day 4: releasing trauma imprints


β˜‘οΈ Get the No1 most potent tool to release triggering emotions

β˜‘οΈ Stop fearing and learn to deal with strong emotions like rage, despair, self-loathing, hate, ... 

β˜‘οΈ Turn difficult emotions into a superpower and supercharge your life and business goals with it

Day 3: processing emotions


β˜‘οΈ Learn the power of susceptible brainwave states and how to use them to create a life without stress

β˜‘οΈ Learn HOW to create and use compelling affirmations that support you in stress-release

β˜‘οΈ Use my powerful technique to shift limiting beliefs with lasting results

Day 2: Limiting beliefs


β˜‘οΈ Learn how to shift your mental and emotional state into relaxation

β˜‘οΈ Use a specific exercise to embody ease, wealth and confidence instead of overwhelm, lack and anxiety

β˜‘οΈ Apply a journaling technique that will help you gain a lot of clarity about your stress-related challenges and how to change them

Day 1: states of consciousness




one-time payment



β†ͺ Instant access to the program in a private Telegram Group
β†ͺ Download Telegram for free on the Apple Store or Android App Store.
β†ͺ You can join at ANY time and go through the trainings in your own timing
β†ͺ 2h of audio trainings including tasks for you, dispersed over 5 consecutive days

This TOOLKIT is perfect for you if you want to learn easy to apply tools to beat overwhelm, stress and constant worry WITHOUT spending countless hours on it

β†’ Entrepreneurs who want out of the hustle paradigm
β†’ Industry leaders who are feeling the pressure to perform
β†’ The CEO dad who wants to be more present with his family
β†’ The mom-preneur who wants time with her kids AND a fulfilling business

get access


I help my clients develop a calm, happy and relaxed inner feeling as their DEFAULT state. 

With that they then cut their work hours by up to 40%, make more money than ever and transform their relationships.

I have helped over 200 driven entrepreneurs and leaders become tremendously happy, fulfilled, free and wealthy...

Being born into a religious cult led me to a journey of immense self-discovery and transformation.

When I started my business 10 years ago I was stressed, depressed,  and without direction. With the tools I now teach my clients I overcame being a work addict, two burnouts and my crippling anxiety and extreme stress levels.

Today, I live a life by design. A life that includes an unshakeable inner peace and freedom on all levels (emotional, mental, financial, time and location).



These tools are so powerful that they were previously only available to my high paying clients. And now they are going to be available to you as soon as you hit purchase.

Imagine seeing your stress and overwhelm melt away like butter in the sun... Knowing how to deal with constant worry and pressure and therefore finally being FREE...




Client results in all  ALL AREAS OF MONEY, BUSINESS, LIFE...

➑️ Do I get private coaching with you? This offer doesn't include 1:1 coaching. It is a private Telegram group with audio trainings that will change how you deal with stress and overwhelm forever! If you're interested in personalised help you can book 1:1 Coaching or join the Expansion Mastermind.

➑️ Can I ask personal questions in the group? I answer all questions regarding the tools and techniques I teach you in the Stress-Release Toolkit! For personalised support please book 1:1 Coaching... 

➑️ Is there a start date? This is a rolling group offer, so you can join at anytime. 😍

➑️ What if I have a habit of never following through in programs, will this offer help me? This training is different... It is delivered in audio recordings - and my clients have told me that just listening to my voice alone puts them in a better place mentally and emotionally. πŸ˜‰ Plus, you receive powerful tools that are not widely spoken about, but extremely transformative and easy to apply.

➑️ Is there a minimum time commitment? The audio trainings are between 15-30minutes. In order to apply the trainings I would suggest to take at least 10 minutes a day. Implementation beats information any time. 🀩

➑️ How long does it take to get results? Many of my clients see the first powerful results in a matter of days and the very first week. They get calmer, more confident and feel more powerful.

➑️ Do you offer refunds? I don't offer refunds on my courses and programs. You can however get credited the amount if you sign up to my Mastermind or 1:1 coaching. 

➑️ What happens once I sign up? You're in! 🀩 Welcome to starting your transformation and the ride of a lifetime! You'll receive a welcome email with all the details, your link to our private Telegram group so you can come and start listening to the trainings straight away. πŸ₯³

Frequently Asked Questions