If you are a driven high achiever who has been working hard for everything - I know how you feel and I am here to tell you: NO MORE! πŸ™‚

You'll learn to release your energetic, emotional & mental blocks to bring in more money in your biz or career! 


Many entrepreneurs experience the following: They make a lot of money, but cannot keep it. I call it scarcity or β€œrich poor” mindset. πŸ™

I used to make 6figures and did not have money in my bank account. The same with my clients:

β€œI have to work very hard to get money, and even when I get it I can not save it.”.
β€œI have scarcity issues around money - there never seems to be enough money no matter how much I make!”

magic beats logic...


Ready to make and keep more money? Without the hustle...



How to change into an abundance mindset?

One client just messaged and told me "I had my biggest month in business after doing your mini program Money Challenge"!

How can you have these results, too?

β†’ Mental work to shift your limiting beliefs
β†’ Somatic/energetic work to increase your capacity to make and KEEP money
β†’ Emotional work to heal fear, shame, guilt, and other difficult emotions (they ALL create your current money story)

All of this we do in the 14-DAY MONEY CHALLENGE...

Following a specific money & mindset routine my clients have received the following:

βœ“ Unexpected money in the tens of thousands!
βœ“ Wealth portfolios going up
βœ“ New clients, more sales
βœ“ Flight, hotel upgrades
βœ“ Free coffee, free gifts, free trips and so on…

I am going to teach you this routine in the MONEY CHALLENGE!

  • 14 DAYS of content in a private Telegram Group. (If you don't have Telegram, you can download it for free on the Apple Store or Android App Store.)
  • 10min input daily - for the busy entrepreneur πŸ˜€
  • Easy to apply tools that don't cost you time throughout the day

Price: €247 (+VAT)
Many entrepreneurs experience the following: They make a lot of money, but cannot keep it. I call it scarcity or β€œrich poor” mindset. πŸ™

I used to make 6figurers and did not have money in my bank account. The same with my clients:
β€œI have to work very hard to get money, and even when I get it I can not save it.”.
β€œI have scarcity issues around money - there never seems to be enough money no matter how much I make!”


Yes, I want this too!

Yeah, I am ready for more πŸ‘

The good thing? This mindset can be changed!

β†’ Money in the bank is a real thing for me now.
β†’ My wealth portfolios are building. 
β†’ Anxiety and worry are gone. πŸ™‚

yeah, i am ready for more πŸ‘