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a membership

mindset tribe

Join a community of powerful entrepreneurs growing financially, emotionally and mentally in life and business using mindset and manifestation principles.


Experience massive personal & business growth.

  • Get ready to break your current income ceiling.

  • Surround yourself with ambitious business owners.

  • Experience a new level of happiness and satisfaction in your life.

  • Feel the power of being celebrated for your accomplishments and to be hold accountable to your goals.

  • Connect with entrepreneurs with ambitious business goals that live by mindset and manifestation principles.


With my help, you will become one of the 200+ entrepreneurs that have created powerful shifts in their lives and as a result have multiplied their income 10x while working less hours and rebuilding their relationships. 

You'll step into a new level of life that evolves around unshakable inner peace and happiness. You'll gain access to a life of emotional, mental and financial freedom.

a membership

mindset tribe

This membership goes way BEYOND any traditional business community.

It includes powerful mindset and manifestation principles that give you a massive advantage... From now on you'll live life and do business with the knowledge of the 1% club. 

  • Mingle with LIKEMINDED people who are on the same path as you, ambitious and "thirsty" for more.

  • Make €10k+ a month your norm, without the 12hour/day hustle.

  • Get powerful coaching and mentoring to get to your next level FAST.

Join the tribe

How to know if this is for you?

In essence, this MINDSET TRIBE Membership is perfect for those who want to create a dream life &business while surrounded by people who are in the same mindset. 

You want to experience a work life with no hustle.

You want to perform as a good leader and steer a team with charisma.

You want to be more present in your kids and family's life.

You want to travel without the guilt of taking time off.







client MONEY WINs

"Just signed a project for 78.000€"

"At 171.000€ net. this month so far"

"Just received an offer for our actual asking price, meaning a 70k month"



Membership includes:


coaching & Mentoring
  • Powerful Coaching on the first three Wednesdays every month in the MINDSET TRIBE Telegram Group

  • Monthly Zoom Group Coaching Calls on the last Wednesday of the month at 5pm CET for deep dive coaching with 1:1 Hot Seat time for you - replays available

  • ​One 15min 1:1 kickstart call with Lydia - worth the whole investment in itself


Trainings & Teaching
  • Access to unlisted mindset & manifestation videos & challenges on my YouTube Channel, that I will start creating from September on! 

  • Access to all Masterclasses that run during your time in the Mindset Tribe...


Community & exclusive perks
  • ​A powerful COMMUNITY of driven entrepreneurs and dedicated leaders to elevate you, learn from and walk with... And potentially new friends for LIFE!

  • Exclusive insights and behind the scenes of my life and how I manage challenges, CEO mindset, business strategies, manifestations & mindset secrets

  • Access to everything you need to create your most abundant, brilliant & powerful version of yourself and your business (solidifying 10k months as your new standard)


join today as a


€1.860 A YEAR

€600 a year

All the benefits of the monthly membership except it's at 50% discount FOR LIFE.





€1.188 a year

  • Full flexibility, cancel anytime 
  • Access coaching in private Telegram group
  • Monthly Zoom Calls
  • One 15min Call with Lydia


"No resistance. I'm open to flow."

"I love the freedom of letting go of my old identity. I have intense clarity and focus in my business."

"It's mind blowing to experience how all this "stuff" works snd to trust everyday more in my own power to create."

client LIFE WINS

Frequently asked


I am new in business, is this for me?

YES! It's the perfect place to get support when starting your business or side hustle - beyond traditional business advice!

I make more than 3k a month, is this for me?

No! Check out the Expansion Mastermind instead where we tackle high-level business and life questions.

I don't have a business. Can I join?

Yes, absolutely! There are people from all walks of life in the Mindset Tribe. This is a very inspirational place to be, no matter what you want to work on in your life: your career, your relationships, your health. 

Can I join anytime?

Yes, this is a rolling container. Wednesdays are Coaching days and on the other days you can mingle with the other members and have fun and share on different topics.

If I cancel, do I get a refund?

No, if you pay monthly you can stay until your time in the Tribe is over. If you have paid for a whole year and find out you desire more support, for example in the Expansion Mastermind or 1:1 coaching you will be credited the remaining money for signing up to those containers! 

I need hands-on strategy and business advice. Do I get this here?

Sure, you'll get my advice of running and growing your business strategically AND from a mindset-perspective! I have over 10 years experience of running several businesses myself and helped over 200 entrepreneurs doing so.

Do I get 1:1 coaching?

There is a "coaching day" every Wednesday in our Mindset Tribe Telegram Group. The last Wednesday of the month we'll have a live Zoom Call at 6pm CET where you can receive powerful coaching from me.


  • Seeing your reality change in front of your eyes.
  • Knowing how to shift every dynamic in your life. 
  • Finally feeling FREE, liberated and at peace. 

I have been where you are today. Looking for a way to feel elated, fulfilled and happy, plus making more money with a successful business... All while being surrounded by MY people. 

That is why I created this membership. A community with mindset goals, manifestation practices beyond the average knowledge and a strategic yet powerful business approach. 

This is your invite to join the MINDSET TRIBE community.

JOIN the Membership